Friday, April 08, 2005

From H.D.'s NOTES ON THOUGHT AND VISION (City Lights, 1982)

Normal consciousness, pricks of everyday
discomfort, jealousy and despair and various
forms of unhappiness that are the invariable
accompaniment of any true, deep relationship,
all this may be symbolized by a thistle.

There are two ways of escaping the pain
and despair of life, and of the rarest, most
subtle dangerous and ensnaring gift that life
can bring us, relationship with another person--

One way is to kill that love in one's heart.
To kill love--to kill life.

The other way is to accept that love, to accept
the snare, to accept the pricks, the thistle.

To accept life--but that is dangerous.

It is also dangerous not to accept life.

To every man and woman in the world it is given
at some time or another, in some form or another,
to make the choice.

Every man and woman is free to accept or deny
life--to accept or reject this questionable gift--
this thistle.


And in memory of Robert Creeley
who died on March 30, 2005--

Water Music

The words are a beautiful music.
The words bounce like in water.

Water music,
loud in the clearing

off the boats,
birds, leaves.

They look for a place
to sit and eat--

no meaning,
no point.


As I was walking
I came upon
chance walking
the same road upon.

As I sat down
by chance to move
if and as I might,

light the wood was,
light and green,
and what I saw
before I had not seen.

It was a lady
by goat men
leading her.

Her hair held earth.
Her eyes were dark.
A double flute
made her move.

"O love,
where are you
me now?"