Friday, March 26, 2004

Marge Piercy is coming to The University of Michigan in October. I have a recording of her poem called "Right to Life." She is very eloquent, though I wish she were as adamant as May Sarton, who begins her poem, "My sisters, oh my sisters!"

Marge Piercy has an excellent website:

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Thanks to my sister I remembered that the Detroit Institute of Arts
has an excellent website and I still have not been to see
Yoko Ono's freight car exhibit on the lawn.

See Yoko Ono's freight car here:

She also mentioned the Whistler exhibit formerly on horde at Musee d'Orsay
now at the DIA. Somewhat hesitant I am to visit that show since
the last male painter I went to see made me sick. His painting, At the Mayo Clinic, was the depiction of a woman receiving a mastectomy.

I may be interested in Whistler however since I know that Stieglitz
admired him and he influenced photographs famously taken of Georgia O'Keeffe.

In other arts news... I am currently reading a book called Dharma Art by
the Tibetan Buddhist Chogyam Trungpa. Like Charlie Parker, I don't read the book to learn the art of world domination. I read it because it makes me happy.
Thank you.